Sugilite, Bustimite, Richterite, OH MY!

Sugilite, Bustimite, Richterite, OH MY!

Posted by Jeff Elkins on Jan 2nd 2017

Sugilite, Bustimite, Richterite 

KNa2(Fe, Mn, Al)2Li3Si12O30! Complex metals meet sodium and heavy metals in this essential energy companion. And it’s just the first of the three of this twisted trio that is nothing short, in my opinion, of a master healer. Sugilite opens the heart in a loving, soft and gentle way. Bringing in joy and compassion. Filling the physical body with so much joy, that it may even release physical pain.

Bustamite. It’s a calcite magnesium, and at its molecular level, looks like a stack of tubes. This is our energy pathway, opening communication with angels and third eye connection in the physical it works on a lot of circulatory system and heart issues. This is our veins, and it is where the life force flows.

Richterite, energetically acts as a filter of sorts. It clears energy from the entire endocrine system, softens moods and hormones. It basically fuels the energetic of rebirth. At a soul level and at a cellular level.

This is such a spectacular healing stone, that I generally don’t pair it with anything. Try Shungite for soul healing and deep seated emotional issues. For a high energy out of body experience and vivid dreams try it with a Pietersite. But do be careful. Ground using Shungite before and after journey time. Make that a habit. Other really great grounding stones including Shaman Stones aka Moki Marbles , or Boji Stones.