Heart & High Heart Healing with Chrysoprase

Heart & High Heart Healing with Chrysoprase

Posted by Jeff Elkins on May 2nd 2017

Chrysoprase-Spring is in the air! Flowers are blooming, and there is the joyous feeling of change. But that may not be the case for everyone. Bouts of depression and anxiety can crop up any time of year. And a great stone ally is Chrysoprase.

Chrysophrase is a gemstone variety of chalcedony. That’s important, but wait. It also contains small quantities of nickel. And when it reacts to the energetics of the physical body, nickel is used to strengthen blood and bones. Blood is how our body disperses oxygen and nutrients. Our bones are what support us. That in my book spells “nurturing”.

It goes even deeper. Nickel, when in short supply in the body, slows growth. See the emotional component here? Ever feel really just stuck or stagnate? In these times, do you feel either anxiety or depression? Both? Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Chrysoprase is cryptocrystalline (chalcedony), which means that it is composed of crystals so fine that they cannot be seen as distinct particles under normal magnification. So, think about it this way. Its very structure disperses hard energy (light) like a microcrystalline screen door.

Its name is Greek for green gold. And its beautiful pearly luster (when polished) Is to die for. In the raw form, it appears slightly chalky green. My favorites are the tumbled with brown interior inclusions.

That distinctive color paired with a pink or peach stone such as Peach Morganite or Mangano Calcite works to balance the high heart chakra.

The High Heart Chakra is located between the Throat and Heart chakras. It helps regulate our thymus gland. This system is associated with the immune and endocrine system. The thymus serves a vital role in the training and development T cells, an extremely important type of white blood cell.

Energetically, it leads to states of higher consciousness. It’s the desire, and passion center for the body. Basically, it’s where inspiration and ideas come from.

This chakra tends to be off balance in our culture for a multitude of reasons including:

  • A.We feel seen and not heard, and therefore have a buy in to a belief system that our feelings and thoughts have little or no merit.
  • B.We feel something needs to be said, but we over-analyze and the conflict between how we feel and what we think becomes cloudy.
  • C.Due to lowered self-esteem, and our desire to avoid being different or somehow standing out, we shut our creativity down, cutting the energy flow from solar plexus into the heart and then throat chakra.

When the high heart is over-active, we may be overly sensitive to crown and spiritual energies and experience ungrounding.

When it is truly unhinged, this can lead to an over indulgence in spiritual awareness, but then tend to ignore the needs of friends and family members around you.

When blocked or closed, we tend to reject or avoid and are fearful of new or different forms of spirituality and or belief systems. In many of these instances, we are unable to express our own emotions, even though we may be feeling them. Kind of scary, right?

With Chrysoprase as an ally, we can experience and even attract love into our lives and begin the healing process of forgiveness of self and others. That’s huge!

I pair it with Iolite or Iolite Sunstone for creativity. Again, try it with Mangano Calcite, Peach Morganite or Peach Agate for deep high heart healing.