Dalmation Jasper - A whole lot of protection in one place

Dalmation Jasper - A whole lot of protection in one place

Posted by Jeff Elkins on Sep 23rd 2016

Dalmatian Jasper

Leopards and Dalmatians can’t change their spots. As a stone ally, Dalmatian Jasper really shouldn’t.

First of all, it’s a jasper. Jasper is an aggregate of micro-granular quartz and/or chalcedony and other mineral phases, and is an opaque, impure variety of silica. What’s that mean? Basically it’s a layering of different minerals that doesn’t let much light through (unlike an agate). And because of this energy, it gives us a sense of stability.

Dalmatian Jasper contains Black and Brown or Dravite Tourmaline. That combination alone makes this a protection powerhouse. Like the famed loyal fire house dog it’s named after, few energies are capable of standing against its energy. Fast, hard and steady.

Black Tourmaline is a great grounding and EMF protection stone in its own right. Dravite Tourmaline (AKA Champagne Tourmaline) is, in my view, the very best entity protection and entity removal stone available. Entities or energetic attachments are far too common these days. These low vibrational critters attach into the aura, draining it of much-needed energy. They leave us feeling lethargic, tired and often irritable. At a more intense level, they can cause physical illness and even mental health issues.

But then, think about the energetics of black and brown tourmalines in general. They are made up of sodium, iron, aluminum and boro-silicate hydroxide. Just feeling them and you know this protector runs and intense energy.

Let’s now look at a little chemistry and the human body. Start with sodium and iron and its very necessary need of the human body. Sodium regulates the amount of fluids in cells and surrounding tissues. Energetically, it greases the path. Iron assists with healthy blood. It is the energy of food and nourishment. In this case it’s like the powder. Aluminum, an energy conductor, is the mover of the fire. Add to that boro silicate, a glass resistant to thermal shock. This makes up the barrel, and gives direction to the energy. Pump in a little oxide or the air and the final component in an explosion. Bang, move, release, let go….get my point?

Dalmatian Jasper also assists with purification of the blood, disillusionment, and lyalty \to long term relationships, making it a great companion

Since working with it at a more personal level, I have gained a new found respect for Dalmatian Jasper, and now carry a piece.